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You're an Animal celebrates all kinds of lives and loves. 44 personal monologues paired with original ink + oil illustration. Comedic, confessional, compassionate, You're an Animal is both modern and old fashioned with something for everyone. Meet a diverse range of folk from Clarence the grifter to Tabitha the metal head switch. Catch a glimpse of the everyday and the momentous.

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The Metaphysics of Harriet Kitchen & Other Scenes flirts with fantasy, dances with the dark stuff and imagines an off-kilter reality where characters can glue themselves to the past or just as easily free-fall from the sky and start over.

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A romantic fish navigates the tricky waters of love. The delightful juxtaposition of ink + fiber art mirrors this unlikely pair. Discover what happens when Pirate arrives on the scene.

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In the Tea Room/In the Keeping Room is a collection of work by J.Lorito.
Part 1 catapults in and out of love and Montreal and relationships which are equal parts whimsical and painful.
Part 2 investigates truth through a shoebox of photographs.

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Laugh Track for Dying is a tale of losing two parents simultaneously. its episodes feature blind euchre and mothers like epic beasts and father with prophetic camera vision. It's a meditation on heredity, on hilarity, on the ever-twisting dementia carnival in a long-term care centre and a daughter's rite of passage as caregiver, wether she likes it or not.

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Lu became a storybook, found herself in the rafters, was predisposed to doing her taxes and never looked back. A series of narrative photographs of Lu - who waltzes between routine and reality.

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Enter The Farmhouse - a magic paper cut out filled with artists, ghosts, a secret passageway and Levon Helm. A short story adventure about Hector - a boy obsessed with music who is left to his own devices to discover the magic of a 100 year old piano.


A free verse narrative poem about love at first sight from a scooter at night in a tiny fishing village near China. Frankly P. tells the semi-autobiographical events of a 2005 dog rescue. It follows the 14-year relationship between a girl and a dog. 

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Dishes: A Cautionary Tale is a madcap romp through a make-believe land that presupposes what would happen if we all left our dishes.

In this collection of vivid short stories, guns are hidden, sex is everything, and love is a sickness that leaves you staggering, grasping at the railing.

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​The Keeping House is an eclectic elegy for a forgotten home which holds tightly to objects left behind. Beautifully illustrated, equally haunting and mischievous, The Keeping House implores the reader to ask: what do we hoard emotions for, and how do we excavate them?

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No One Ever Told Me Anything is an absurd dive into a family’s secrets and lies. With a suitcase and the myth of her great grandmother, Ida confronts the voices of her past.

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A Narcoleptic barber draws an audience sleeping on the job.Mr. Paper and Mr. Scissors fall in love over a blue glue martini.
Coming Over for Coffee is a delicious dark brew of flash fiction. Its eccentric characters come barreling off the page, to pour a cup and stay with you.


Jenny and Rocco found themselves alone on 500 acres. So they wrote 50 love songs. Country, pop, free jazz, blues and ballads. An odd + offbeat collection celebrating love in all of it's weirdness.

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Pants to Fuck and Die In frolics between the fad cycle of clothing and the life cycle of the bodies who wear it. Its frank narrator, having just lost her father, explores the fabric and make of grief, of youth, of sex and pants.

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A rural legend dedicated to Norval Ontario. Revamped from 2012, this 2023 edition is chalked full of dark and silly images and ideas about life and death shoes and belonging. The Shoe Tree recollects local childhood myths and remembers a time when we had more freedom to explore the land and our communities.

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Inspired by Ren McCormick's speech in Footloose, There's a Time is a playfully illustrated storybook  reminding us all that "there’s a once upon an every time". It tells us to celebrate the moment as it will soon change and offers stellar life lessons like: run right into high tide, sleep outside, time travel and it's okay to cry.

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Set in Chicago in 1966, The Nevermind House: A Cautionary Tale follows little Jonny Rocco whose big dreams of Morocco, gazpacho and Dr.Zhivago are thwarted by the naysayers. This tale cautions against the perils of passivity and ecourages readers to break free, use their voices and be themselves, unapologetically.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. 2023 © J.Lorito — All rights reserved. Any reproduction, derivative works, distribution or download of the work displayed on this website without the owner’s permission is restricted.

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